WHW, The second world

Reffering to two sci-fi classics, The invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares  and From Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne, which both mention the discovery of a previously unidentified planet, We used to call it: Moon! (2011) by Marko Tadić produces imaginary, fictitious worlds, in order to look at the possibilities of re-examining perception and imagery of both the past and the future.

Intervening in obsolete and used everyday materials, such as private notebooks or old postcards, Tadić expores the visual possibilites of the discovey of a second moon; how it might have been recorded and passed to collective imagination. He creates an ‘archive’ of diverse scenes of known and anonymous tourist destinations, sentimental motifs and kitsch illustrations in which the image of the second moon is inserted discreetly, but obsessively. Oscillating between fiction and documentary, the set-up of the work recalls the ‘wunderkammer’ atmosphere, opening a door to a parallel reality where the second moon serves as a catalyst that transforms the familiar into another locus composed of fragments of a possible world.

WHW, for the exhibition The second world, Graz, 2011.